60 x 80 CM
Let me introduce you to my dear friend Oohom Menastryth . He’s been around for a few centuries.
He’s a humorous fellow, always posing with his pipe. By travelling the world he’s lived in many places but always liked to stay away from crowds and only liked to meet people one by one.
He is the keeper of the light of Talking Willows, in short the Ulks.
The Ulk’s are his oldest friends and considered just as wise if not more so.
I’m sure there’s no need for me to mention as the Ulks are trees, have been around for well let’s just say, a very, very long time!
They often have secret meetings in Bellebird Woods not far from Swamps Hill, where Oohom drops by sometimes to visit his
relatives. My dear Oohom loves to listen and advise troublesome beings. He prides himself to be known best for his creative
landscapes. He grows marvellous plants and flowers and covers the land with magical plantations that heals the soul by just passing through it.